Windy Peak Gold Project
Description and Location of the Windy Peak Gold Project
The Windy Peak Gold Project consists of 118 unpatented claims totaling approximately 2,419 contiguous acres, located approximately 5 1/2 miles south of Middlegate and approximately 45 miles southeast of Fallon, in the state of Nevada. Access to the project area is by paved highway, followed by a short stretch of gravel road.
Regional Activity
The Windy Peak Gold Project is located in a gold-producing region which hosts such deposits as the Paradise Peak and Rawhide.
Exploration History of the Windy Peak Gold Project
Exploration on and around the property has included geologic mapping, rock chip sampling, sagebrush biogeochemistry, VLF-EM, VLF-resistivity and magnetic geophysical surveys, and reverse circulation drilling. Various companies, including Terraco Gold Corp, Solitario Resources, Red Star Gold, Pegasus Gold Corp, Rio Tinto, and Kennecott, have conducted drilling on and around the property, with more than 70 holes drilled. Limited small-scale mining activities have been conducted by various private parties since the 1940's, including a small glory hole mined during the 1970's centered on Hill 6483. Previous work on the property included many vertical holes, which are not suited to testing the high-angle structures known to host the gold- bearing veins. Some of the holes previously drilled are inferred to be too shallow to properly test targets.
Geology of the Windy Peak Gold Project
The general geology of the Windy Peak Gold Project consists of a thick sequence of layered volcanic rocks which have been folded into a broad north-south trending antiform. Associated with the western part of this fold is a widespread chalcedonic sinter breccia at the top and locally moderate amounts of visible cinnabar. Along the south face of the main hill are exposures of east-west trending faulted vein-breccia zones. A small open pit follows one of the east-west breccia zones. Gold-silver mineralization extends beyond the pit to the east and west, and may occur in several sub-parallel, vein-breccia zones. Host rocks to the mineralization are generally latite in composition and consist of variably welded lithic ash flow tuff units. Gold and silver mineralization is associated with several styles of mineralization that include both low angle and steeply dipping structures that contain quartz veins, mineralization associated with hydrothermal vent breccias, mineralization associated with the margins of volcanic domes and mineralization associated with volcanic formations that have undergone silicification resulting in the development of jasperoid. Quartz veins are generally restricted to only one meter in width. Other styles of mineralization are tens to hundreds of meters in size and display variably silicified and argillically altered latite volcanic bedrock. The mineralization is characterized by low sulfide concentrations.
Soil sampling results include gold associated with silver, mercury, arsenic, antimony and tungsten, although absolute values have tended to be low. The low values reflect the type of mineralization, which is associated with Type 2, low sulfide-bearing quartz veins. This type of mineralization occurs as structurally-controlled bonanza grades of gold as well as disseminated deposits of the Round Mountain type. Various higher gold values have been obtained from veins and quartz stockworks on the property, but fluid inclusion data indicate that the veins exposed on the surface are mostly above the gold zone.
This area is believed to be the focus of caldera resurgence and hydrothermal activity, where extensive faulting and brecciation provided plumbing systems for the hydrothermal fluids that precipitated gold in the structures. Drilling target areas indicate that large tonnage, high-grade gold deposits could occur within them. In addition, a poorly consolidated tuft is often silicified and mineralized near the structures, which illustrates the potential for large-tonnage, disseminated gold mineralization adjacent to gold-mineralized structures.
Located Within The Walker Lane
A northwest trending belt with several producing mines, all million ounce + deposits.